Friday, February 09, 2007

So Mote It Be

Scientists to Vie for $25M Climate Prize
By TARIQ PANJA, Associated Press Writer

1 hour ago
LONDON - Sir Richard Branson on Friday announced a $25 million prize for the scientist who comes up with a way to extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, comparing it to the 17th-century quest to revolutionize navigation by determining longitude.

The Virgin Group chairman was joined by former Vice President Al Gore and other leading environmentalists as he announced the challenge to find the world's first viable design to capture and remove carbon dioxide from the air.

I'm going to ask my Circle of Women to do magic to boost this project along. Who else is in?

Scientists, go here to claim your prize.


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    It's a shame we can't start with removing greenhouse gases from politicians... might be cheaper to just remove the politicians. ;-)

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    wow, that is such a beautiful earht sculpture, I need her sister in my yard. Of course, she'll be created from high mountain desert plantlings and stone, but I'm thinking I've found a project for the year.

    I'm doing my bit here at home. The new solar water heating system will be installed next week, and I just got a Prius yesterday.


  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Well we need to trap as much carbon as possible, so that means growing green stuff, right?

    Victory Gardens! I suggest we start by leveling the White House and expanding the Rose Garden....

  4. I'm in.
    Give us a starting time?
    Terri in Joburg

  5. Terri,

    I'm meeting w/ my circle next weekend; we'll pick and time and I'll post it, ok?

  6. Count me in. When you get the starting time I'll spread it wide and far thru my little part of witchdom.

  7. deborah,

    Thanks; this could be fun!

  8. That is the most beautiful goddess statue i ever have seen.
