Monday, April 03, 2006

Hillary Clinton Has a Damn Good Idea

"Assess the oil companies an alternative energy development fee, taken solely out of unanticipated profits from sky high oil prices, to be put into a new Strategic Energy Fund. The Fund would promote adoption of existing clean energy and conservation technologies; stimulate research and investment by the private sector into the next generation of energy technologies; and help consumers cope with spiraling energy costs. It's not about new energy taxes on consumers - it's about redirecting the hidden 'tax' that middle class Americans are already paying to OPEC and the oil companies in the form of higher prices and harnessing it to secure our energy future."


Anonymous said...

Link, please!

I'm glad to see her doing this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea.

I mean to say, the oil companies will whinge that they're already looking into renewable/alternative energy development, but I see no harm in letting the government get a piece of the action...

Interrobang said...

Wow, she's managed to frame a corporate tax increase in such a way that it's virtually impossible to argue with. I like the idea of corporations paying more taxes; they use a disproportionate amount of governmental resources based on the taxes they pay (or manage not to pay) already.

Anonymous said...

Talk like that will get her the JFK treatment. Literally.

About time someone said as much.

Jimmy Carter tried to do this with solar power.

The OPEC countries cooked up a hostage crisis took care of that.
The band played along...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

html tag is not transferring in the paste, sorry the linky no go, guess it saves blog bandwidth anyways, just html the end of the link

Apologies for specious extra posts.