V busy today. Check out some of the v good writing in the many blogs listed on the right. If you're in DC and looking for a way to celebrate Samhein:
Jefferson Memorial
(closest Metro is the Holocaust Museum)
(Parking under the bridge near the Jefferson, come in on Maine Avenue, turn around, go next to the Jefferson and under the bridge toward Potomac Park, park in the closest lot and walk back). You may drop of your stuff at the kiosk next to the Jefferson but the Jefferson parking lot is permanently closed.
8 pm - 9:30 pm (depending on the weather)
Bring your noisemakers and your rattles, your sticks and your washtubs.
Bring a glowstick for the cauldron.
Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone of Ireland will be there.
Wear your finest warm clothing and join us.
Bring a memory of a loved one.
Celebrate the ancestors of all our traditions.