So, I've been thinking a lot about the whole Earth Hour thing and about whether it's better to participate or to not participate, and, then, this afternoon, I remembered something that I once heard Christopher Penzack say about Witches who complain about some problem or another. He said that he always wants to respond, "Well, gee. You're a Witch. Why don't you do something about that?"
Which, you know, is a good point.
So I will be participating in Earth Hour. I will turn off all of my lights as well as all unneeded appliances that use electricity. But I will also spend that hour doing magic to help those who are searching for way to save this lovely Planet that is both deity, home, and source of magic to me. I'm a Witch. I can do something about the conflict between a media-driven-feel-good event and the need for real and serious change that actually helps Earth.
As a postscript, I'll add that the whole notion of turning off our lights at night just implicates so many of this society's issues with darkness, night, etc. It's got to be good for us to delve into that, even a little bit.
Picture found here.