Salon's Daou Report:
I have been offered – and accepted – what I believe is a unique opportunity to help close the triangle: joining Senator Clinton’s team as a blog advisor to facilitate and expand her relationship with the netroots. There are endless possibilities for Clinton-netroots collaborations, from Net Neutrality to the Privacy Bill of Rights to voting reform to so many other critical issues. Digby, one of the progressive blog world’s sharpest writers, said this: “Last week Hillary introduced what I think should be a primary plank of the Democratic Party: A Privacy Bill Of Rights…. Hillary said in her speech the other day: ‘privacy is synonymous with liberty.’ This is correct. We give it up far too thoughtlessly in our culture and its going to come back to bite us if we don't wake to the fact that big powerful forces are poking into our lives in unprecedented ways and will use the information they get to force us into little boxes they design.”
Are you a fan of the witch, Hecate?
(not said with negative connatation, of course...)
Dear Mr. M.,
Well if you're not using "witch" in a derogatory manner, I'm at a loss to figure out how you are using it. Clinton is a well-known Methodist, not a Wiccan. Would you ask if I am a fam of the Jew and expect it to be read without negative connotation? I'd love to hear what you do mean by calling Clinton a member of my religion when she isn't and then hastening to addd that you're not saying anything negative.
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