What labrys said. And, yeah, it's just a foregone conclusion that the carvers had penises, isn't it?
~bangs head on table~
Undermining the Patriarchy Every Chance I Get -- And I Get a Lot of Chances Please find me at my new blog: hecatedemeter.wordpress.com
1 comment:
Some of the archeology programs on History and Discovery channels are pretty good. But I am cautious of ones making sociological assumptions about more ancient times. Especially if they focus specifically on gender issues.
I saw one where the narrator was talking about dating behavior in contemporary England. Frankly, I doubt that was particurly accurate. But he went ot to extrapolate it not only to the entire world, but the entire world thru all of history. I gagged and swiftly turned it off. And it was by the supposedly reputable BBC.
Most of what we "know" about history and prehistory, we don't.
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