Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Paying The Mortgage. Putting Food On Miss Thing.

Miniver Cheevey reminds me just how lucky I am to make a living the way that I do. The people that I work with have (blessedly) no idea that I blog and most of the people who (kindly) read my blog have no idea where I work, but I do get to work with an amazing group of very smart and, generally, quite kind folks. I've gotten to spend my legal career, so far, on a fascinating case and I've gotten paid to do what I love best of all -- read and write. My friends know that I bitch all too often about my job. But I was working on a project today that made me look up and realize just how incredibly luck I am -- second career, night school grad that I am -- to be doing what I do.

Now, if I can write five pages a day for the next six days . . . .

Thank you, Goddess. Thank you for letting me find this career and for letting me do what I was born to do. It's a gift.


Interrobang said...

Amen. Sing it, sister.

I am not a night-school graduate, nor is my career my second career, but I know I've worked very hard to get into the field that I'm in (I got hit with some seriously heavy-duty occupational streaming that insisted that I should shut up and be a good little girl and go into marketing writing, instead of playing with computers like the big boys do, so it took me about five years to become a technical writer. Honestly! I mean, really. Can you imagine me writing someone's ad copy?) I had a friend tell me tonight that he heard an interview on CBC-2 the other day saying that (at least in Canada), technical writing is the new "hot" profession, and right now there's way more demand than there is supply, so it's looking as though I am suddenly exactly where I ought to be. For which I am profoundly thankful.

So, my sentiments exactly, and thanks for writing this.

Anonymous said...

And another "Amen".

I decided, at age 48, that trusting the universe to support me as I left an unhappy marriage and went back to school so I could support myself and my kids was less scary than staying where I was and letting my soul die. Now, I've finished school (paralegal, no time or money for law school - yet) and doing work that I enjoy and I'm good at and I care about, and, just when I needed a job, one of the good guys needed a paralegal. The Goddess kicked my butt and kept me going when it got tough, whispered "trust me" when I got scared, and now I can't look at the moon without laughing in amazement at the blessings that she has poured into my life.

She rocks.