Monday, December 10, 2007

I Don't Know How

Some days, I don't know how to be a witch and a grandmother and a lawyer and a gardener and a reader and a writer and an animal body that requires maintenance. Last night, at my wonderful circle's dark moon ritual, I promised the Goddess and my sisters to get even more exercise. And I don't know how. I don't know how to find the time.

I am sure that I am the only one in the world who remembers how Henry Kravitz's wife used to wake at dawn to practice the piano, but I am going to try to emulate (this aspect of) her this coming year. I only know that it's one step after another after another, and making the best steps all the time. I only know that everything matters and that everything exists in that highly joyous state of sheer joy where almost nothing matters because it's all ok.

My goal for the coming year is to live in that space in which G/Son turns on his most beloved object in the entire world: the vacuum cleaner, and claps his hands and yells, "Yea! Vacuum! Yea!" That's how I want to live all the obligations that I have. That's how I want to assume these duties. That's how I'd like to finish this race.

Goddess, I am yours and you are mine. Let's dance.


deborahoak said...

yes, let's dance!!!! And swim. I signed up yesterday at a gym with the swimming pool I love. More exercise is in my future too.

Aquila ka Hecate said...

I only know that everything matters and that everything exists in that highly joyous state of sheer joy where almost nothing matters because it's all ok.

Yes - that's it

Terri in Joburg

Anne Johnson said...

Dance with Her now, dance with Her forever.

Hi, this is Gina. said...

Aquila ka hecate,
I find your blog to be endlessly fascinating. When I saw your quote, "I only know that everything matters,...", I felt a kinship vibe with you. In fact, I would be honored if you would visit my newly launched site for my upcoming book...guess what the title is? "Everything Matters, Nothing Matters"....check out My blog is Hope to connect with you! Gina