Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Western Autumn Sun Hitting My Japanese Maple

Part of my mad plan, which is mine, is to more or less turn my backyard into a small woodland around a little patio w a fountain and large Stone and undetermined Air Element and a fire pit. Today, Landscape Guy showed up at 7:00 am w Japanese Temple Pines and Japanese Maple Trees and American Wisteria, Amethest to begin that transformation. Around 4:45 pm, the Autumn Setting Sun hit the red leaves of one of the new Japanese Maples.

I believe that my ancient oak trees are v happy.


Anonymous said...

Lovely. Splendid fence too.

Ur Japanese Maple would like my Fukushu Kumquat....


Anne Johnson said...

14 years ago I replanted a 10-inch-tall Japanese maple seedling from my neighbor's yard. It is now the most beautiful tree I've ever seen. Great things come to those who wait.

Anonymous said...

Pretty! Can't wait to see it in person. I may have to come out early on Samhain to catch the sun....

Anonymous said...

How absolutely lovely. I have similar plans that revolve around planting my own little woodland - though my own focus is along the lines of fruit and nut bearing trees.

I am sure your oak trees are beside themselves with joy

Robin Emeraldfox said...

Any idea what cultivar-type that Japanese maple is? It's quite pretty.

As for your Japanese temple pine.... it isn't a pine. It belongs to the Cupressacaea family, so it's more of a cedar than anything else. Lovely tree, indeed.