Monday, April 10, 2006

Just Saying

If you are a seed company and you sold me a package of moonflower seeds with a whole freaking three seeds in the package, do not be surprised if you have a bad day tomorrow.

If you are a lobbyist who gave money to Tom DeLay to buy some votes and now that he's using your money to pay his lawyers you want your money back, don't be surprised if no one weeps for you, Argentina.

If you are building a McMansion up the street from me, in a neighborhood of small bungalows, and you have a freaking turret on your McMansion, don't be surprised if small construction errors begin to multiply.

If you are my diswasher and you work only about one out of every ten times that I turn you on, but work every time that I've called the repairperson, don't be surprised if I eventually take a freaking hammer to your mechanical ass.

If you are the document management software at my firm and you won't let me open up a document from home, don't be surprised if I open up a can of whoop ass on the IT person who is responsible for you and curse your code from here into next week.

Now, all you kids, get off of my lawn!


Anonymous said...

Three seeds?!? They damn well better all germinate. Lousy QC. If the firm is any good they'll send you a new packet posthaste.

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep forgetting to sign these things? Previous was me.


four legs good said...

I think it's time for a new dishwasher.

The one you have is quite obviously possessed.

Vicki said...

Very cool post!

Sorry about the seeds. That would poss me off to no end, too.

Vicki said...

Very cool post!

Sorry about the seeds. That would poss me off to no end, too.

Sandy-LA 90034 said...


It sounds like a few bad days have all piled on top of you. I hope the way smooths out for you soon.

Anonymous said...

Never have gotten jimson weed which is what I'm pretty sure is moonflowers started from seed. See Georgia O'Keefe's paintings for jimsonweed, btw. I'll send you a cutting if you want.


Anonymous said...

Are you referring to the massive thing on Pershing? It's hideous. I know one of the folks living just below on 4th(?). Sadly (I guess), he said the builder is a nice guy -- owns one of the Indian places in Clarendon. But he hates having that monstrosity in his back yard. Lack of taste, lack of empathy for neighbors. I do not like what is happening to this neighborhood. (I'm guessing you're in my neighborhood because surely there cannot be more than one in Arlington?)

Hecate said...

Molly, this is at the corner of Lee Hwy and Kensington. Don't tell me there's another!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep. 12,500 square feet. Pershing between Highland and Irving (South side of the street). Check it out sometime. It's even more astounding from behind (4th street) because the elevation is so much more dramatic on that side.

And my cozy little 1930s bungalow is less than 900 square feet! Perfect for me and my animals.

NYMary said...

Bad day?

Anne Johnson said...

McMansions are the bane of my existence. I take consolation in the fact that when the Cat 5 hurricane hits my state, my 80-year-old house will be standing, while they'll be toast.

There's a faerie in your dishwasher. Be firm. Tell it you've had enough and you're going to buy a whole new unit.