Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Gift

If you've never taken the Myers Briggs personality test, you really should. It's available several places on line.

I'm, according to the Myers Briggs, an INTJ -- introvert, intuitive, thinking, judging -- type. Emphasis on the "introvert." It's not that introverts don't like people; we do. I, for example, am happiest when entertaining people in my home or at a restaurant. I can make small talk like you've never seen and draw everyone, and I mean everyone, into the conversation. For me, conversation is a glass bead game, an art form, the most natural platform for my creativity. It's just that introverts need time alone in order to "recharge" our batteries. While an extrovert will get recharged being out among other people, we introverts get recharged spending time alone, listening to our own thoughts.

I still remember the very first time that I, oldest daughter of five, was ALL ALONE in the house. It was a moment of complete magic for me, a time that I still, forty years later, treasure, a revelation. I still remember the complete and lonely silence of the San Gabriel Mountains, ten years later, the deep, deep, deep longing that this silence filled for me.

It's funny; supposedly only about 2% of the population is comprised of INTJs, but, whenever I'm around a bunch of Pagans, there's bound to be a large percentage of INTJs present.

Which is all a long way to say that I may either post a ton of new posts over the next few days or that I may hardly post. I've blocked out almost four days to be all alone, to go "on retreat," in my own home, to spend some blessed time recharging my batteries. I worked and socialized all through the holidays. I sooooooo need some time sitting zazen at my altar, walking in the woods, listening to my own thoughts, digging in the dirt of my garden, being home alone.

I'm giving myself the gift of time alone. Give yourself the gift that you really need. Do it now.


Eli said...

I can make small talk like you've never seen and draw everyone, and I mean everyone, into the conversation.

Sigh. I can't even do the small talk, unless it's about sports, movies, or computers...

Anonymous said...

Another INTJ here-also with the emphasis on 'introvert', of which I'm apparently almost a perfect example.

I love having the house to myself also-my partner works shifts and on his nightshift periods I have an absolute ball-yes, sitting in front of my altar and really getting stuff done!
It's not surprising that most Pagans are some variation of IN though.You need to be at home in your own skin, with your own ideas, to be a Pagan in the first place.

Terri in Joburg

Anonymous said...


I'm close, INFJ. Enjoy your retreat. I kind of did that after returning from Detroit to recharge after being with an extrovert family.


donna said...

The only thing that ever really works for me is the Introvert part. Everything else I split 50/50 on. And if I'm in a manic mood, even the I/E goes 50/50.

Anonymous said...

I'm just like you. I love being alone. Love it.

Anonymous said...

My on-the-fly taking of the test says I'm a INFJ, introvert, intuitivwe, feeling, judging personality. Hmmmn.


Anonymous said...

i have trouble believing in the Meyer-Briggs because I have taken it three times over 10-12 years and i keep coming out different....

Anonymous said...

Contrary to Cory's experiences with the Myers-Briggs, I've been taking it off and on for several years as well, and have consistently scored INTP (the so-called Architects of the sixteen personality types - INTJ's are the Masterminds).

It's navel-gazing, but fun just the same...and if my consistent results and this testing system are to be believed, then navel-gazing's about as natural to me as breathing ;)

Nice blog :)

Angela said...

I'm an ENFP, although I'm fairly equal P & J. Does that make me an atypical pagan?