Sunday, March 04, 2007


Two Points:

(1) Max Blumenthal has stronger psychic defenses than I can ever hope to have.

(2) These folks sure do seem defensive, don't they?


Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

a salutary reminder of how that 30% lives...
makes the blood curdle, don't it?
cat not so proud of his stars'n'bars when the notion of racism pops up, innit?
those people scare the livin bejaysus outta me...

I, Robot said...
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The Kenosha Kid said...

Thank you for the link!

Dj Connell said...

Hi Hacate, Sia here.

I tried replying to your nice note from my blog, but it bounced back, so I'm writing to you from your blog.

Re Spending & Hoarding in the Pagan Community:

You think it might be a Taurus thing? We do love to nest. And clutter does not make for comfort.

Thank you for posting the insightful notes.

If you have time, check out It's a Mystery
Part I Dysfunctional Behavior and the Pagan Scene
Part II Healthy Pagan Groups and Individuals

Suggestions for improvement in any of these articles are most welcome :-)

Again, thank you for taking the time to write. Your nice note made my day.


Sia Vogel
Full Circle

you wrote:

Wow, I've been thinking of a post along these lines and you've just said everything I could have thought of to say. Being Wiccans, doing magic, is supposed to make us MORE effective at living embodied lives in this world, not less. Yet so many Pagans are poor, in debt, unable to afford medical care that they need, unhappy with their jobs, unhealthy, in bad relationships. It shows that we've all still got a long way to go.

My moon in Taurus won't allow me to live with mess and clutter. I do own a lot of books, but they're catalogued and in bookshelves. I collect Hermes scarves, ditto on the shelved and catalogued part. Beyond that, I'm not going to clutter my life with too much "stuff"