Thursday, January 22, 2009

Morning In America


Ellen Kimball said...

Hello Hecate,

I feel like I've found a sister! (Only child here...always fantasizing about having that perfect sibling!)

Thanks for your blog, which I found quite accidentally while wandering around the blogosphere. I will be 70 years old this year, and was raised in Miami, Florida by two parents from Pittsburgh, PA. My father was a lawyer, my Mom his legal secretary. Segregation lies heavily on my conscience, but in the 1960s and 1970s in broadcasting in New York and Boston, I was quite active and outspoken. You might like the picture I have posted of our "outgoing crime family" -- they are imaginative mugshots, to say the least!

With your permission, I've added you to my blogroll.


Ellen Kimball
(Woman, wife, retired broadcaster, mother, stepmother, grandmother, step-grandmother)
Portland, Oregon, USA

Teacats said...

Brillant video -- but since old blood-sucking undead vampires and zombies never die -- those creeps just may turn up in the future .....
