Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So, my circle of brilliant women is preparing for, in just a few weeks, our next big annual retreat. This will be tres interresant, because, as you may remember, last year my wonderful circle way, way, way overdid it and got our magical (and physical) asses kicked, big time.

E, the brilliant founder of our circle, developed a series of questions last year that we all ponder, consider, meditate upon, do divination for, and generally live with for a few weeks prior to our annual retreat, held Chez Hecate, although this year the basement is still in une state dishabille. This retreat comes almost directly in the middle of my preparation of a cert. petition for SCOTUS and in the middle of a trip that Son and D-i-L had planned for Ireland just before D-i-L's wonderful mother became ill. So it will be interesting.

My favorite form of divination, when I can find time for it, is to do a Celtic Cross spread with all nine of my active decks, most of which are Tarot decks, but some of which are not Tarot decks, at all. One of the best things about doing a Celtic Cross with several decks is that if, for example, the message really is Two of Cups, as it was for the question about my own personal spiritual developlment over the next five years, well, then you can just pull one form of the Two of Cups after another after another after another. It's a lovely way to let the universe talk to you, if you're willng to let it smack you in the face over and over and over.

Do you ever do this, do a Celtic cross w/ more than one deck? Does your circle ever set aside a day to do magic concerning your circle? Have you ever done so much magic in one day that you could hardly drag your sorry ass out of bed the next?


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