Every single Pagan even considering voting for McCain, or not voting, or voting for a third party candidate in anything other than a safely blue state, owes it to herself and her community to go read Jason's post at the Wild Hunt concerning Palin's stand on Paganism.
Doan want.
Art found here.
Wasn't that character voiced by the gal from "AbFab"?
Palin should be so lucky...
Oh that's good. A closer match than Umbridge was.
Let's say it flat-out: If McCain is elected, James Dobson will be the de facto President of the United States--if he isn't already; and Sarah will be one seventy-five-year-old heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
Four more years of a President who gets policy directly from God. Right. We know how well that's worked out under Junior Bush.
Love the illustration choice. May I steal it?
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