Monday, March 30, 2009

Bitching Not Optional

There are, let's not kid ourselves, a million ways to do magic, a million ways to grow spiritually, a million ways to be a witch. But, for me, all of those things happen best within a circle of women. And I need to KNOW those women before my magic will be most effective with theirs under the bright full Moon, or on the windy dark Moon, or at one of the 8 great Sabbats. There are public rituals made up of mostly-strangers that work, that are transformative, that change the world. But that path is not for me. I have loved, after my own fashion, every woman with whom I've entered Circle, dropped my masks, faced the divine. And, I like to know my lovers. My circle does brunch once a month, no rituals, nothing too serious, just coffee, and food, and stitching hands, and chatting, and bitching, and laughs. IM not so HO, that's a crucial ingredient in the lost art of creating a magic circle of women. Do you have a version of this?

Picture found here.


Unknown said...

I actually could have written this post, so like my way of thinking it is.
I will not go into circle with strangers- i have a small group, consisting of women who have all studied the path together and it is these women i will allow myself to be' bare 'with.
we see each other weekly and ahve lunches/teas to celebrate birthdays as well as the many magical day the calender offers..........blessed be xx

Celestite said...

I recently joined a circle after being solitary all my life. I think I will love it, after I get to know everyone. There are opportunities; coffees and classes and less formal gatherings than the full moon circle. They have all been welcoming and told me to be patient.

Souris Optique said...

No. The last female pagan friends I managed to find found new and creative ways to stab me in the back.
I'm glad there are some people that can have such groups. At least it shows me that it IS possible.

Cyn said...

I'm solitary, too. If I were in a circle, I would definitely have to know, trust and believe in the other women.

Maybe some day, but for now, I'm content.

'Zann said...

Ah, I wish I did have such a Circle. I won't give up hope, though. Meanwhile I'm very, very happy to have your blog to read. Thank you for all the wonderful thoughts you share - very nurturing to my spirit.
bright blessings, 'Zann