Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama Restaurant Watch - VP Edition

OK, I admit that this is cheating. It's Biden, not Obama, but it's still a restaurant and the meal still sounds pretty good: Vice President Joe Biden dropped in unexpectedly on a Denver barbecue restaurant Tuesday after presiding over a town hall meeting on green jobs and the economy.

Patrons of
M&D's Cafe east of downtown broke into applause when Biden walked in. The vice president shook hands and posed for photos.

. . .

M&D's owner Mack Shead hovered nearby as waiters brought out plates of barbecued catfish, fried green tomatoes and corn bread and glasses of lemonade.

The M is for Mack and the D is for Daisy. I'd definitely have gone for the fried green tomatoes, but I might have made a whole meal out of appetizers, including fried okra and hot wings.

Countdown to wingnut worries that lemonade is French or something.

Photo found here.

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