Whew! That was quite an evening and quite a victory celebration. Now, quick, someone go around and gather up the scotch bottles and put them in the recycling bin. Get the drunken ferrets out of the shower and back into their cages. Brew a pot of coffee and splash some cold water on your face, because we've got work to do.
Hillary was first out of the box to support Lamont -- as she'd said that she'd do if he won. She put her money where her mouth was and cut him a big check. Hopefully, Peter Daou can convince her to spend some time stumping for Lamont. It would do both of them good.
As kos noted last night, we need to contact Harry Reid and demand that, now that he's turned his back on the Democratic Party, Lieberman must lose his party privileges, including committee assignments. Here's how to get in touch with Mr. Reid: Click here for e-mail. Or contact him by phone or snail mail at one of his offices:
Carson City
600 East William Street, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-7343 / Fax: 775-883-1980
Las Vegas
Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030
Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse and Federal Building
400 South Virginia Street, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757
Rural Nevada Outreach Contact
Susan Lisagor
Phone: 775-686-5750 / Fax: 775-686-5757
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542 / Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343) -Restricted to calls originating from area codes 775 and 702
Reid Newsroom
(202) 224-9521
I expect Mr. Reid to be reluctant to do the right thing. The MSM -- and Joe Lieberman -- have given him cover by portraying Ned Lamont and his netroot support as crazy, unhinged, whackos, even though, as Jamison Foser notes, being against Bush's war is a majority position in America.
The CW is that the Democratic powers-that-be can't be too tough on Lieberman on the off chance that (1) he wins and (2) the Dems are so close to taking back the Senate that they need Lieberman and (3) that being nice to him now means that he'll caucus with them then. The CW, in other words is that the Democrats need to keep their powder dry and do nothing to discipline someone so self-centered that he's willing to tear the party apart for his own ego. The CW is bullshit.
Democratic Party, quit keeping your powder dry. There may be some wisdom to keeping your powder dry in the early days of a war. We're not in the early days. We're just about finished and the other side has conquered the valley, the hill, and the castle. You've been keeping your powder dry for so long that the other side is about to capture your fully-stocked powder keg warehouse and your secret stash hidden out in the woods. Most of us no longer believe that you even remember how to load your muskets, you've been keeping your powder dry for so long. We think that you believe that there's some intrinsic worth to dry powder, separate and apart from using it to blast enemies and traitors from here to smithereens. There isn't.
It's time to wake up and make an example out of Joe Lieberman, who believes that he has a divine right to continue to occupy a Senate seat, regardless of whether or not the people of Connecticut want him to represent them. It's time to wake up and make an example out of Joe Lieberman who thinks there's something wrong with running a "partisan" (translation: Democratic) primary campaign. It's time to wake up and make an example out of Joe Lieberman, who tells Democrats not to dare to dissent from Bush's illegal war, but then bitches and moans that the voters won't let him "dissent" from the majority opinion that this war sucks. It's time to wake up and make an example out of Joe Lieberman who, after the voters of Connecticut speak, says that he won't allow that result to stand. He's sure learned a lot from his kissing cousin about ignoring election results, hasn't he? I'll tell you what the Democrats can't allow to stand: that attitude about voters.
Don't keep your powder dry on this one, Democrats. The netroots -- and yeah, we're crazy! crazy! crazy! extreme, mean, killing machines, we're every bit as dangerous as you think we are -- know where the powder is stored and we're about to organize a sneak attack on the warehouse and use it ourselves if you aren't going to do anything with it but keep it dry. We'd rather blow it up than watch you save it for that not-too-distant day when the other side's army comes marching in and takes it away from you to use on us.
I'm just saying.
YES, Hecate.
I have sent my email but I suspect as you do: the gloves are ON for handling Lieberman.
It was painfully and horrifyingly apparent that Holy Joe is using the Karl Rove playbook as he spat out lie after lie last night. WHO was playing dirty partisan politics? Not a word of crit for the Bushies, only for a man who had the temerity to disagree with HJ.
GRRRRRRRRR. Don't get me started again.
Yes! Make an example of Lieberman - excellent idea.
Hey, we're dangerous elitists, soft on national security, godless and immoral, and wacky. But I'd rather be all of those things than a sick, ego-maniac spoiler like Lieberman who can't accept the will of the people.
Even if he gets back to Washington in Nov., as an Independent won't he lose all his plum positions?
The Dems need to stop letting Lieberman pee all over their powder, already. He's done enough damage. Make him declare himself an independent already if he wants to be one, and stop letting him call himself a Democrat.
"Lieberman, party of one...."
I'd call, but I'm not a US citizen. On the other hand, both I and my English friend were paying close attention to this race. When I told him that Lamont had won, he said, "You mean there's maybe some hope after all?" I'm Canadian. Shot heard 'round the world?
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