I'm a really bad gardener, because I forget what this is. But I like it. I hope it makes seeds so I can grow it again next year.
Just planted morning glory, woad, dill, and French thyme seeds in the new herb bed. The moon, fortunately, is waxing, although I'm not always particularly choosey about that; when seedlings arrive, they go in the ground; I'm not going to wait two weeks for the moon to be in the right phase.
What I do is to meditate with the seeds, breathe with them, let them know how much I want them to grow. I send strength and "wic" to them.
And I do some Reiki on them. Once they're planted, I tend to do some Reiki on the water that I use to water them. The woad seeds are a few years old, so I gave them a bit more attention. Then, I drew a Tarot card to see if there was anything that the seeds wanted me to know. I pulled the Knight of Swords: all those tiny seeds, shouting in unison, "Let's Go!" So I went directly out and planted them, still inside the circle that I'd cast, watered them, and then came inside to open the circle.
Do you do any magic for your plants?
I don't have your magic Hecate but I used to spread a lot of white light around when I had a garden.
I think your flower might be a nicotia. I like those. Dependable little growers and they have a long bloom season.
Yep, nicotiana. They come in pretty colors, but you might want to be sure if you do veggies, not to plant this next to those. If you don't have mosaic resistant tomatoes it can be a problem.
Nicotiana have a wonderful scent on the night air. Like jasmine mixed with carnation.
No magick here, just a little miracle(-grow)...and really earthy, black, rich compost from our compost bin that's full of little worms and beneficial buggies...
Now if I can just keep the dumdum cat from trampling our perennials...
As I put in each plant, I chant "Draw up from the life of your Mother and grow." Hasn't failed me yet!
::Im catching up on posts from the past weeks::
I just had my Reiki attunements and I have to say that not until reading your post did I consider Reiki-ing seeds. What a wonderful idea and I look forward to next spring more now than ever.
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