by Dennis Arthur Dames
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
Pleasures of the body and soul unite…
In a union between a man and woman… day or night
It’s a time of expressions… where individuality rules
And sessions of connecting, and unifying reign supreme
Sex is an experience that is desired perpetually by lovers…
It is the magnet that attracts, and pulls two together in a profound and unique way…
Sex is mysterious, and it is the language of a spiritual culture…
One that is grossly misunderstood…
Lovers know what it means… sweethearts hold it dearly
It is the gift between a male and a female… not to be taken for granted
Sex is the natural source of life, and its fruits are appreciated by so many.
It is truly sacred…
There is no playbook for sex, because it’s a matter of personal desires…
Sex in the morning, for lunch, for dinner or between breaks…
Whenever the time, enjoy it… take it in strides and do it right
Keep coming… the appetite
Do not be shy in your expressions… give your lover all that you have to offer
Watch out for the missed opportunities, they are gone forever
Do not allow external forces to wreck your sex life…
Always be a lover to your lover
Find time to kiss, hug and explore your sweetheart’s landscape
Slowly enjoy the foreplay
Be your wooer’s friend… without end
Sex is wonderful… it’s something to defend
Sex is pure… in the sea or on shore
It’s the wet dreams… and the erotic moments
It’s the battery that charges a dearest soul…
Sex is something blissful to behold