I looked up this morning from my meetings, conference calls, memos, and obligations to realize that 2006 is almost half over. Back when 2006 was just a gleam in Chronos' eye, I did tarot readings for some of you.
I'd love to know how they panned out. Did I hit the mark or was I wildly off? Please take just a minute and give me some feedback.
And, I'll gladly do readings for the first 25 responders, focusing on the coming six months. It may take me a few days, but I will do the readings and post the results in comments. Pick three cards -- one for the past, one for the present, and one for the future and tell me what you pulled. You can either use Lunea Weatherstone's lovely deck, linked in my blogroll, or your own deck, assuming that it's a Rider-Waite based-deck.
We have six precious months, July, August, September, October, November, and December to thrive in 2006. What does that mean to you?
Hecate, I'd love a 6-months' reading. And it looks like I'm actually, ah, "frist", not that this is a distinction I've ever sought :-}!
BTW, I wandered onto your site from Dohiyi Mir's link to your "dark of the Moon" post, which is superb. I'm the sketchiest kind of Solitary Practitioner, and like it that way, but it's a treat to read the mix of sense and feeling you put into your writing.
So -
What do I do to give you something to interpret?
lil innocent,
Welcome. Pick three tarot cards, either from a deck you have or from Lunea Weatherstone's web site (see blogroll) and tell me what you pulled!
I'd love to have a 6 month reading. Shall I, too, pick three cards and let you know what they are?
Hecate, i would be delighted to have a 6-month reading. I'm at a certain cross-roads of my life. I don't know which way to go? I'm only starting to appreciate and work upon my very strong Celtic roots. Shall i pick three cards ?
Cheers lilly
Me, too, if there's still time! Let me know if I should draw 3 cards. Many thanks!
Thank you. The past six months for me have brought unexpected separation, divorce, the death of multiple loved ones, chronic illness and near bankruptcy. Some of my decisions could still be undone, had I the certainty to do so...or the strength to commit to the directions I chose earlier, before this path began to unravel around me.
A crossroads doesn't even begin to define this place I am now. I'm losing the strength to make decisions one way or another, and the hope that anything might yet "work out all right in the end" or some other cliche people keep offering me.
I'll accept your offer. Can't be any worse to know what the cards say than it is to wake up to a new crisis and trauma every day of the year. Bah. January started so badly right out of the gate, I had hoped that by celebrating the Chinese New Year I could perhaps get a symbolic re-entry into the year, but no such luck.
I used the online deck from your blogroll:
Past - Tenderness / Queen of Light
Present - Fire in the Mind / King of Air
Future - Leadership / 6 of Fire
Thanks, Hecate. No need to sugarcoat; I'm pretty good at handling the facts at this point. Even when they suck.
You read my card (2 of Fire - Meeting the Ancestor). Oddly enough, the standard Rider-Waite meaning seems to have come true: my ship came in, in a way that I didn't expect. I got a promotion, then I moved to a different job in the same company, I make more money, I bought a new car and I drive further to get to said job but I can also work from home.
However, the ancestor portion has also reared its head with a vengeance over the past few days.
So, yes, that was a good card. May I pull another?
ooohh I have actually thought about asking you to read my cards for the past few weeks.
(I had e-mailed you earlier in the year asking about books to read (wicca) and any groups you might know of in the Denver Co area..)
from Lunea Weatherstones site I chose Passion, Speed and Look within.
you may e-mail me @ mlmiller4483@comcast.net
thank you
Everybody pull three cards and post in comments here. I'll put your reading up in commments over the next day or three.
Hecate, I would love a 6 month reading if the offer is still open. I have chosen 3 cards from Lunea Weatherstone's web site.
Stability - King of Earth
XVII - The Stars
Regret - 6 of Water
Can't wait to hear what you come up with. Thanks!
Hecate, a reading would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Past: Fool
Present: Judgment
Future: Emperor
Thank you for your kind offer. I've been lurking for a while - I really enjoy your writing.
XV - Descent
Tenderness - Queen of Water
Connect - 3 of Water
i hope this offer is still open; and even if it is, i'm almost certain i've screwed this up - i'm a tarot newbie:
past: the wheel of the year
present: the emperor
future: child of air
if you can't make any sense of it, that's cool - most of the time i can't make sense of my life either.
thanks for the opportunity to share in your insight. and i second li'l innocent's sentiments re: the 'dark of the moon' post.
I pulled XXI=Completion
Hope - Guardian of Fire
Learning Excellence - Child of Fire
Hi hecate, and thank you for this.
I chose
Speed- 8 of fire
Compassion- king of water
Learning excellence-child of fire
Thank you, Lunea, for such generosity! Here are the 3 that I pulled the day I posted:
2 of Fire - The Ancestors
XVII - The Stars
V -Authority
Many thanks!
Sorry, Hecate - in my haste to put my cards in the comments, I referred to you as Lunea. My apologies! I was thinking of her cards and not what I was actually writing.
Sorry, Hecate - in my haste to get my cards in the comments, I referred to you as Lunea - my apologies! I think Mercury is about to go retro, isn't it? It sure feels like that!
I'd like a reading. Please tell me nobody else dies.
I recall you gave me a reading about lots of power and the card I drew was wrapped in a snake, but hazy memories and I'm just about to pull off line here.
Ooops, my cards:
- Compassion, King of Water
- Meeting the Ancestor, 2 of Fire
- Defeat, 5 of Air
Hey, woman. Found this while catching up on an Eschaton thread.
If you have any brainpower and intuition left over (and NO hurry):
I drew
--Page of Pentacles
--14: Temperance
--9 of Pentacles
in that order (and right-side up, if that matters) from the Robin Wood deck. (I seem to recall you're familiar with that one. Some day I should learn to USE it.) TIA, if you have the time to do this!
a most-times lurker delurking to ask perhaps if i might take you up on this tarot offer (i came for the poetry, but i stay for the witchery.)
past: King of Fire
present: 10 of Earth
future: 2 of Air
i hope sometime in the next six months to embark on a new and rather uncertain path, and i would greatly appreciate another's insights.
Wow. That's quite a combination of cards. You pulled the Queen of Cups (which you interestingly called the Queen of Light) and the King of Air and the Six of Fire. The message here could hardly be more clear. You need to integrate your "feminine," nurturing, feeling self with your "masculine," analytical, wordy self. Your right brain with your left. When you do, you will move into the position of leadership that you were meant to fulfill. Have you been trying to surpress one side or the other? Go for a long walk and think about what balance would look like in your life. What activities would help you to balance your Queen of Cups (Water) and your King of Swords (Air)?
Dear lil red riding hood,
Lot of fire (wands) in this reading. You pulled the 9 of Wands and the 8 of Wands. You're coming to a juicy time in your life, where you'll be able to live your passion in a mature, feeling way. You've been rushing towards this goal for a long, long time, making progress, moving quickly, achieving practical steps. But -- wait! Too much speed can be a bad thing. Stop. Breathe. Catch your breath. Think things through. What have you been missing/ignoring/trying not to see? You need to figure it out.
Interesting. Have you recently lost someone, a father-figure maybe or someone who provided stability and security for you? Or have you changed jobs, living arrangements, social groups? Regret is just as real as joy, and there's nothing wrong with going through a grieving process. Just don't forget to look up sometimes and don't get too wrapped up in the past.
I'd love to know if this reading makes any sense to you or not.
Uh-oh. Three major arcana cards. That shows that this message is really important for you. Looks as if you've been having a good time, exploring, trying new things, not worrying too much about making mistakes or about where your journey is taking you. But now, you're beginning to have to face some of the consequences. It's time for you to begin to be a bit more discerning and to try to collect what you've learned and see what it all means. The next six months will likely mean becoming much more mature for you, more in control of your world and your life. It won't always be fun, but you will gain a new sense of power and control. Good luck!!
Looks as if the past few months have had you confronting some of your own personal demons, doing some Jungian shadow work, facing things about yourself that you were finally ready to see. Now, you've reached a point where you're happy with yourself, your family life, your situation. Over the next few months, you can expect to meet some new friends or to deepen already existing relationships. Be willing to dance!!
dan mcenroe,
The great thing about Tarot if that you can't screw it up. Your subconscious knows what it knows and will use the Tarot to tell you what it wants you to know!
The Wheel of the Year tells me that you've likely been through an interesting cycle over the past few months. That can be great news or it can mean that you've, once again, repeated a pattern that you've lived through too many times. The Emperor, a major arcana card, tells me that what's happening in your life right now will be very important for you. The Emperor is all about stability, solidity, dominant male energy, protecting and ruling what you already have. But Child of Air is all about being ready to take risks, learn new things, look like a fool while you make the mistakes someone makes when they learn something completely new or examine something from a completely new perspective. So go ahead and solidify your current situation. But be ready to take the leap when the Child of Air comes knocking on your door in a few weeks!
Did you just graduate? Some major accomplishment in your life had recently come to fruition. Completion is a wonderful card to pull and it shows that your recent accomplishment is an important one. You've worked really hard and now you're finished. It's time to take a few days to honor what you've done, pat yourself on the back, admire your accomplishment and then -- jump.
No, not off a building! But on to the next adventure. Something you do over the next few months will bring incredible hope to yourself and others. Maybe by example, or maybe in some other way, you're going to be an agent for positive change in the world.
Be willing to push yourself, to learn even more new skills, and to practice, practice, practice. You'll bring joy to yourself and to others.
Interesting set of cards. You may have been feeling restless over the past few months or you may have been working at a maniacal pace to get things done -- or just to stay in place.
It's time right now to cut yourself a break, give yourself a rest, have some compassion for yourself. Treat yourself as would treat your dearly beloved friend. Spend time with someone who seems to truly value you for who you really are. A grandparent or mentor perhaps?
Then, when you've caught your breath, you can begin to work deliberately and more consciously towards your goals.
The clear message from this reading is that you've been spending too much time meeting other people's expectations. Yes, our ancestors can give us valuable information, but you'll never be happy just doing things because that's the way it's always been done. Right now, you have a chance to spend time connecting to what really speaks to you. Be careful over the coming months not to get caught up in dogma. Don't give your allegiance to false prophets or so-called gurus who appear to have all the answers.
You've had quite a rough six months! You've been trying very hard to exemplify the qualities of the King of Water, to be compassionate and helpful to everyone. That's good; it's worthwhile soul work. Have you been as compassionate to yourself?
The 2 of Fire, of course, speaks of your mom's death. I think you'll come to see that you really aren't "separate" from her. Death is only a horizon. Sometimes, you're going to feel her near you and know that she cares very much for you.
The 5 of Swords (Air) cautions you to take some time. Give yourself time to grieve, to think, to take some long walks. During Winter, when it seems as if nothing is happening, really everything is happening. Seeds need a period of darkness and cold in order to germinate in the spring. If you stick them in the ground before they're ready they won't grow. So don't worry over the next few monts if it feels as if you're "stuck" or not getting anywhere. Things are happening underneath the surface.
Been playing in the mud, have you? The last six months have seen you exploring the world of the senses, whether enjoying the texture of bread dough under the palm of your hand or listening to the birds sing.
But, a major arcana card, Temperance, tells us you're now in a very important period and it's important to introduce left-brain, analytical activites, as well. Get back to school, start reading and writing again, apply reason, logic, and discretion. The Nine of Pentacles in the RW deck is one of my favorite cards of all time. You're about to enter a period of calm, order, rest, and enjoyment. You're going to have time to think your own thoughts and do things your way. Enjoy!
Very interesting combination of cards. I'm tempted to say that you've recently returned home from the wars! If that's not true literally, it's true metaphorically. You've been engaged in a battle of some sort, one that dealt with something close to your heart. Now, you're surrounded by home, hearth, family. Before you start on this new path, whatever it may be, you need to do some serious research, investigation, and discovery. Talk to lots of people, especially those who have reason to know. Dig beneath and surface and don't commit yourself to anything until you have all the facts.
If you still have time, I would appreciate your knowledge.
Past: Feeling - Child of Water
Present: Perspective - 6 of Air
Future: Charity - 6 of Earth
Thank you and blessings upon you and yours.
Could I still get a reading? I just saw your comment on Atrios.
I pulled (from Lunae Weatherstone):
Past: VIII Strengh- the lady on a lion
Present: The Wheel of the Year
Future: Vocation, 8 of Earth
I hope it means I'm goint to either write a best seller, win the pulitzer for photography or win the lottery. ;-)
gwpda, snow, and 4LG,
Will post your readings by tomorrow, latest!
10 of Air
Ace of Water
6 of Fire
But I've got a couple up my sleeve-- should I use them?
If it's not to late to get a reding, I got:
3 of Earth
Ace of Fire
2 of Air
I'd like a reading, too, if it's not too late.
My three cards were: two of fire, six of air, guardian of earth.
Hi Hecate, I sent you a letter the other day, but either way is fabulous, and thank you for taking the time to do this. The last reading you gave me was pretty spot on...not much happening because I haven't been ready for it to happen, as you said.
Today, I drew the following:
- Charity 8 of Earth
- Tenderness Queen of Waters
Thanks again!
I frequently lurk at your blog--its a nice oasis to come to.
Warrior Heart--King of Fire
Meeting the Ancestor--2 of Fire
Patience--7 of Earth
Donna Marie
Thank you Hecate.
Your reading was accurate. I'm going to give my self permission to float along for a while.
An auspicious spread! Ten of Earth (Pentacles) is all about being happy, content, and secure in your home life. It's about living well, in a healthy sensible way and enjoying well-earned pleasures. That's where you've been and that's where you're going to be over the next six months. The Guardian of Water (Knight of Cups) simply emphasizes this point. You're at peace, all is well, you can relax and enjoy. It's all good.
This reading is all about feelings and emotions.
The past six months have exposed you to some pretty raw, primal feelings. You've had to feel your feelings, it hasn't been possible to pretend that you're not really feeling what you were feeling. Being authentic in that way is great for our personal growth. But it can be exhausing.
Now, it's time to step back and gain some perspective, some distance, some insight. Maybe even get some perspective from someone else who isn't so intimately involved in the situation. Some journaling or doing some form of art could be very helpful right now.
Over the next six months, you may need to get some assistance to deal with things. I'm guessing that that is difficult for you. You're more used to being the giver than the one who receives. Let yourself accept the help that you need. Someday, you'll have a chance to repay it.
You pulled three lovely cards:
Past: VIII Strengh- the lady on a lion
Present: The Wheel of the Year
Future: Vocation, 8 of Earth
You've been going through a period that has not only called upon you to exercise your strengths, but has actualy made you stronger. (You know the old saying about what doesn't kill you?) You're about to come to the end of that cycle. The next six months will see you focused in a productive way on work, either finding a new job or moving ahead productively in your current job. Don't get distracted or discouraged. Just keep doing your best and all will be well.
You pulled: 10 of Air
Ace of Water
6 of Fire
Over the past six months, something has come to an end. A job, a relationship, a phase of your existence. Admit that it's over, focus on what you've learned, clean up the mess, and prepare to move on.
Something wonderful and new is beginning in your life right now. This is why it's so important for you to reach closure on whatever has ended. You are going to want to give yourself over wholeheartedly to this new beginning and, in order to do that, you have to be able to leave the past behind.
Over the next six months, expect to be happy with where you are in life. Also, expect to move into a position of leadership, one where some of your hard-won wisdom will allow you to show others the way, possibly by simple example.
You pulled:3 of Earth
Ace of Fire
2 of Air
You've been working with a group over the last six months in order to accomplish an important project.
Now, you are at a time in your life where your own will, power, and creativity can create amazing things. But you have to be free to follow your own vision in order for this to happen. Sometimes we work with others and sometimes we must work alone in order to achieve our best work. That's where you are now.
Over the next six months, you're going to be called upon to examine what you really want. What works? What makes you happy? Can you set aside some time once a week to meditate about this?
You pulled: two of fire, six of air, guardian of earth.
The past six months have been interesting ones, haven't they? You've been unable to avoid your inner voice, the one that keeps nagging at you, in dreams, in intuition, in serendipity.
Right now, you're in a period of trying to integrate what you've learned, figure out how it works in with everything else in your life.
I think over the next six months you're going to meet someone who will play an important role in your life, someone who is nurturing and protective and who will provide stability.
You drew- VI - LOVERS
- Charity 8 of Earth
- Tenderness Queen of Waters
You've been going through a period where you've had to make a choice. Now, it's time for you to accept some help from others. After years and years of giving so much to other people, it's your turn to accept what others can give to you. The next six months will see you very happy with where you are. If you're thinking of a new career, one where you nourish others would be a good choice. Expect to revel in your femininity as well!!
Donna Marie,
You chose:Warrior Heart--King of Fire
Meeting the Ancestor--2 of Fire
Patience--7 of Earth
You've been fighting as hard as you possibly can for something very important to you -- something that you love. Right now, your inner wisdom is trying desperately to get in touch with you in order to tell you something very important. Don't ignore this inner voice. If you do, it will find increasingly dramatic ways to try to talk to you. Over the next six months, give your projects time to ripen and come to fruition. Some things can't be rushed. The harvest will come in when it's ripe, but picking the grain before then will leave you with a useless mess.
I'd love to know if this reading makes any sense to you or not.
Hecate ~
Yes, this reading most definitely makes a lot of sense. A change in social group hit the nail on the head. Could no longer stomach being an enabler. Thank-you for pointing out something I've been failing to realize. It is most definitely time to let go of the regret. I have surrounded myself with a small group of wonderful people as of late it's time to appreciating their goodness.
Again, I would like to thank you Hecate, you rock!
Thanks Hecate!
That made perfect sense! lion kitty maxx sends you some purrrrs.
Thanks, Hecate.
Thanks so much! I will definitely take your comments to heart, and I will open up to letting others help me...
Peace and Blessings to you and yours!
Thanks, Hecate.
That resonates strongly. Now we'll see what I can do with it.
Hecate, thanks so much for the reading . . . I'm hoping that you are right and the confronting is over and it's time to move on. You're right, I am happy with myself and my family and, pretty much, my sitution. I think I am ready to dance! Thanks again!
Gosh, I almost forgot to check back here, and find you have good gnus for me!
Thank you most kindly, ma'am.
(But I DO like playin' in the mud. Sometimes. Some kinds of mud.)
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