OK, now he's just fucking with my liver and going na-na-na-na-boo-boo I can give you cirrhosis and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sweet Mother of the Gods, where's that gallon jar of olives, that tablespoon of vermouth, and that truckload of Stoli?
Picture found here.
Maybe, once he is finally out of office, I will be able to discuss politics with my Grandmother. Since GWB has been in DC, the curses end up tangled in each other in a verbal traffic jam, and my Grandmother can't enunciate any of them. Not only does she end up pissed off at him, but she ends up pissed off that she can't even tell me how pissed off she is.
I am with you sister, only had to downgrade from Ketel 1 and Grey Goose and settle for Smirnoff.
Oh - and while he's at it, Curious George has forbidden the EPA'to act on greenhouse gas emissions while he's still Preznit because we need more time for "public comment." No, I am not kidding - front page of the WaPo today - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/10/AR2008071003087.html?hpid=topnews
Jeeze, We could have used up a whole ball of yarn on this alone.
But considering the picture source, lol, may I suggest a truckload of Absolute vodka? The way the news is going, I will NEED a truckload. I don't use olives, I smoke my 'tinis with single malt Scotch.
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