Monday, March 27, 2006

The Gods Are Bored

Here's a very fun blog that my brilliant friend Renee told me about and that our brilliant friend Angela told Renee about. Enjoy!


Anne Johnson said...

And they're all absolutely right! "The Gods Are Bored" is so funny it ought to make its author a millionaire. Barring that, she ought to be able to buy a Big Gulp from 7-11 from time to time!

Will I see you fine folks at the Spoutswoode Fairy Festival? Drumming, dancing, Maypole, revelry. In short, all the rites that please the bored gods!

Hecate said...

Dear Anne,

Alas, we're urban witches and our practice is here in D.C. The festival sounds like amazing fun, though.

Ellie Finlay said...

It's a wonderful blog. DELIGHTFUL writing! Thanks for the tip.