Thursday, July 27, 2006

Focus On The Fanatics

is this, or is this not, the stupidest thing you've ever seen?

Tell me again that these people are beating us in every single election without help from Diebold. Go on. Tell me.


Akela said...

I think the phrase that your looking for is "priceless". where do these cretins come from?

Anonymous said...

Geez, Hecate, I don't know -- one sees so very many stupid things.

However, I'm willing to agree that it's in the top 1%.


Anonymous said...

Goddess, Hecate, I appreciate the sentiment, but did you have to link to such a fanatic without a warning? I hate driving up the blog traffic of the christofascists.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, someone needs to explain to these people what "analogy" means, because a mooing dog just makes no fucking sense.

My brain hurts now.

Anonymous said...

When I think they can't become more stupid..I see they didn't mention Wendell and Cass...

Anne Johnson said...

I'm beginning to agree with H.L. Mencken that people should get an IQ test before they are allowed to vote.