Thursday, May 10, 2007

My New Name For A Blog

What Sia Said.

You know, I think that if you died and, at your memorial service, they said, She creat[ed] her own life as well as great friendships, arts and crafts, loving homes, beauty, peace, prosperity, and opportunities. She empower[ed] friends and family and [was], herself, empowered. She care[d] for others and she protect[ed] those who cannot protect themselves. She [was] a mistress of learning, knowledge, and culture. . . . We kn[e]w her by the blessings that flow[ed] from her hand and the ideas that c[a]me from her mind and heart, you could head on off to the Summerlands pretty damn satisfied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't comment much, but thank you for these posts. You are inspiring me to take more actions on a daily basis.
