Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday Goddess Blogging

Hail the Morrigan! Triple Goddess of both death and fertility, of battle and cattle. Hail, Morrigan! Pass over the innocent when you choose those who will die in battle. Look, Lady, instead to the evil old men who profit from the deaths of our young warriors and warrioresses. Call your crows, instead, Great Mother, to K Street, and Pennsylvania Avenue, and Downing Street. Call your crows, instead, Magnificent Lady of the Carrion, to the homes of those made rich and fat by oil and this evil war for oil. Hail, Morrigan!


Anonymous said...

Wrong goddesses for tonight. Get thee to a site which allows a good view of the western horizon, and contemplate Diana and Astarte.

(Moon-Venus conjunction of astounding beauty. And very high--even east coast it shoudl be good for another half hour at least (till 11 p.m. EDT)

--xan the involuntary anon because blogger hates me

Anonymous said...

Morrighan is my homegirl! :) But I also see xan's point - I thought of Diana the moment I glimpsed that beautiful crescent paired w/Venus last night!
Blessings y'all!