Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Eight More Things

Mad Melancholic Feminista tagged me, so here are 8 more things you may not have known about me:

1. I can recite, from memory, huge swaths of Dorothy Parker's ouvre.

2. In high school, I cooked my way through books in the high school library entitled Austrian Cooking and Greek Cooking. I made my own sourdough bread starter and made sourdough bread every week. I made tea and oranges that came all the way from China. I made mint jelly from the mint in my mother's garden. I made boeuf burgundy from the Julia Child cookbook. I made eclairs. I made Lady Baltimore cake. I made mead. I still make a mean spanakopita. But I prefer to make reservations.

3. I purchased the first edition of Ms. Magazine ever printed and, as a result, had long debates w/ my best friend about why we wear underwear.

4. I count among my best friends at least one domanitrix, one prominent author of slash fiction, several members of polyamorous relationships, at least one sub, and quite a few v. hot babes.

5. I grow gardenias and sage, thyme and roses, jack-in-the-pulpit and mint, caladyia and woad, daylillies and sweet woodruff.

6. I record my dreams.

7. I wake up every morning and think, "Ah. Jeff Skilling's in jail and I'm not. I think I'll pet my cat, drink fresh coffee, walk in my garden, and enjoy the day." Fuck you, Jeff. Fuck you very much. She laughs last who laughs best.

8. For years, I meditated upon the Nine of Pentacles card. Wherever you go, there you are.

I tag Necropolis Now, watertiger, NTodd, and Mrs. Morrison.


Anonymous said...


I found you through Melancholic Feminista. Love your blog. Hope you'll think about participating in the Bloggers on Torture Project:


Reya Mellicker said...

You made your own sour dough starter? Wow.

What is a "pub" (among some of your best friends?