Thursday, June 28, 2007


Interesting article in today's LAT about some former members of Exodus International, an organization devoted to "curing" gay people of their homosexuality who publicly apologized Wednesday for the harm they said their efforts had caused many gays and lesbians who believed the group's message that sexual orientation could be changed through prayer.

That's great; I'm glad they've apologized. But their harm went beyond those gay individuals who believed Exodus International's snake oil claims. Exodus International also pushes the notion within society that being gay is a "lifestyle choice" and something that one can change if only one will "work" at it. That's complete bullshit and it gives cover to evil Christianists and cynical power-grabbers such as the Bush junta.

An apology to individual gay people harmed by your actions is a nice start, guys. But it's not enough.

1 comment:

Anne Johnson said...

I particularly feel sorry for the spouses and sometimes children who get one of these "pray the gay away" people as a family member.

It's funny how no one ever "prays the straight away." Isn't that a "lifestyle" too?