From EEI:
In Letter from Senators, Bush Asked to Work With Hill on Climate Change
Sen. Barbara A. Boxer, D-Calif., the incoming chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, led an effort to write to President Bush to urge him to work on climate change legislation with the new 110th Congress that starts in January.
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The letter said: "The U.S. must move quickly to adopt economy-wide constraints on domestic GHG emissions and then work with the international community to forge an effective and equitable global agreement. Scientists are now warning that we may be reaching a tipping point beyond which it will be extremely difficult, or perhaps impossible, to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. If the world continues on its current path of emissions increases, we could risk global climatic disasters on an unprecedented scale, ranging from dangerous sea level rise, to increasingly damaging hurricanes (such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita), increased deaths from air pollution and disease, to widespread geo-political instability."
Orange County, Calif., Register , Nov. 16.
Sorry, I'm skeptical that Democrats will do anything about climate change. That's why I'm one of those pesky, fruitless Green voters.
Boxer who supported Joe Lieberman, famous for his statement in allowing catholic CT hospitals to deny emergency contraception to rape victims,stating "they can take a short walk to another hospital."
Yes, Boxer sure gets it, yes she does.
Anne Johnson--Work to get Greens on the Dem line--or find acceptable Dem candidates to run on two lines.
Greens in this country aren't going to make a difference unless they start very, very locally and work their way by showing voters how relevant and meaningful they actually can be.
Good luck--just please don't give us anymore hexes like Heather Wilson (via a plurality where G votes might have put the D in office) and BushBoy (where a butterfly ballot error and Nader messed up the FL vote, imho).
We libs agree so much with so many Green values, but we want to have some say in government, not languish in the desert of no power for who knows how long it will take. We want health care for all--now, not 2200. We want clean air, safe worker regulations, protection for the Constitution, etc., etc., etc.
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