Just last week, voters went to the polls and rejected, in language loud and clear, the Bush junta's extreme policies. Voters in South Dakota, one of the country's reddest states, rejected attempts to criminalize abortion.
But the boyking just didn't get the message.
Today's WaPo reports that: Bush Choice for Family-Planning Post Criticized
By Christopher Lee
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 17, 2006; Page A01
The Bush administration has appointed a new chief of family-planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services who worked at a Christian pregnancy-counseling organization that regards the distribution of contraceptives as "demeaning to women."
Eric Keroack, medical director for A Woman's Concern, a nonprofit group based in Dorchester, Mass., will become deputy assistant secretary for population affairs in the next two weeks, department spokeswoman Christina Pearson said yesterday.
Keroack, an obstetrician-gynecologist, will advise Secretary Mike Leavitt on matters such as reproductive health and adolescent pregnancy. He will oversee $283 million in annual family-planning grants that, according to HHS, are "designed to provide access to contraceptive supplies and information to all who want and need them with priority given to low-income persons."
The appointment, which does not require Senate confirmation, was the latest provocative personnel move by the White House since Democrats won control of Congress in this month's midterm elections. President Bush last week pushed the Senate to confirm John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations and this week renominated six candidates for appellate court judgeships who have previously been blocked by lawmakers. Democrats said the moves belie Bush's post-election promises of bipartisanship.
Population affairs; this whacko is going to be in charge of population affairs. And he thinks that access to contraceptives demeans women. Sweet Kali on a kaleidoscope.
The Democrats are going to have to stand firm and start threatening those Republicans up for re-election in 2008 with the prospect of being labeled as a "George Bush extremist rubber stamp" if they go along with this nonsense. If this is Bush's version of a test of wills, the Democrats need to make sure that they win, and win in a way that even the village idiot, currently ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can understand.
Yeah, I saw this one in my newspaper too. He'd have to go to school and earn a degree to rise to the level of moron.
Love to see Speaker Pelosi add an ultimatum to her first-100-hours to-do list. "George, get rid of ALL your Assclown appointments from the last six years, now, or absolutlely nothing goes through the House until we're through with your impeachement trial for malfeasance".
Oh, and meeting oblivion with Kali riding my kaleidoscope sounds like not a half-bad way to go.
No, being kept pregnant DEMEANS women!
WHere does Monkey Boy FIND these morons?
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