As usual, Anne Johnson asks some very good questions, this time about a Wal-Mart heiress:
How can this woman look in the mirror? How can she lie down at night and sleep? She has just spent nearly $68 million for a painting but can't offer affordable health care to her workers.
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't this the kind of thing that starts revolutions? One woman buys a painting. Thousands of hard-working poor people are denied lunch breaks and insurance in the stores that provided this one woman with her $18 billion fortune.
Oh, look! Britteny is getting divorced!
Ahem. *Britney*.
Hecate, the fundamental difference between the rich and conservative and leftists is that they look on people as objects either to be used or to which they owe nothing out of a sense of decency. There is a slave holder inside every conservative, even in such "leftists" as who look on people as objects, the ones who eventually find their inner conservative.
That, the inability to see people as having dignity and rights of their own which have to be taken into account by others, that is the defining difference between conservatives and leftists.
Yeah. You have to hope for a nice incurable disease for her or something.
In her next life, may she come back as pond scum - start over on the chain of life. I really hate these kind of people.
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