John Warner, my OTHER Senator, is old and somewhat ineffective. But if he can manage to oust Inhofe (Crackpot- Oklahoma) from the top minority spot on Barbara Boxer's new committee, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, it would be a very good thing. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but "[e]nvironmentalists have been hailing [Boxer's] impending replacement of Inhofe as chairman, Warner's takeover of the ranking minority member's slot, [and] said yesterday, [that these developments] would raise even greater hopes for advancing their agenda.
"That could drastically change the way that committee operates," said Karen Steuer, government affairs chief at the National Environmental Trust. "We might see, on a number of issues, bipartisan legislation coming out of that committee, and that would be a huge step forward. . . . In one fell swoop, it's gone from the Dark Ages to the Space Age."
Virginia. We're trying not to be such big dummies.
One of my favorite Imhofe moments was during the Kerry/Bush campaign, when Inhofe introduced to end tax breaks for charitable institutions because,he claimed, most of them supported liberals. In the course of floor debate, he specifically pointed to the Heinz Trust, which funded many environmental groups.
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